Tuesday, February 17, 2009

"The Real Skinny on Eve"

A Short but Comprehensive Guide on the Real
Identity of Sisters in the Church of Jesus Christ

By: Dawn Davidson






Is God a respecter of persons? How many names did Adam actually have,

and among them, which one only did God approve? Was the bone of Adam

even relevant in the creation of the female and when should a confession of

truth accepted even by God be rendered of no regard? Was the female

actually ever punished, and if so, why was she then also rewarded

and honored by God even after the fall?

The new and up-coming book entitled "The Real Skinny on Eve" (subtitled "A Short but Comprehensive Guide on the Real Identity of Sisters in the Church of Jesus Christ") is quite simply answered prayer. It is the amazing truth of God's word, and not the word of man, about the "fearful" and "wonderful" creation of the female. It is an Old Testament word purposed, designed, and positioned to tread upon the very head of an enemy now still dominant and especially detrimental within the spiritual lives of females in the church of God.

What the "Real Skinny on Eve" is not, is a superlative exaltation of the female, it is but only grounded in word. It is neither intended nor should it be interpreted as an attack against either the church or our Christian brothers. It furthermore, is a word delivered absent anger, female bias and male-bashing. It does however speak truth to power and it is absolutely unmatched in discernment of the garden word.

Sisters, this treatment of scripture is akin to having gone to every store, on every side of town and suddenly, after losing all hope, finding the right shoe that fits. It is the right color, it is the right size, and it sits upon the right-sized heel. It is the vindication and relief that many of our tired, aching, and marginalized souls have been yearning for. It is shocking revelation still in hard labor, yet soon to be delivered, and it is the type of revelation which we have learned to no longer dare even expect on this side of time. "The Real Skinny on Eve" is a saturating balm prepared especially for the daughters of Christ - black, white, yellow, red and brown - poured even upon rough, dry and savagely scarred hearts left unattended for far too long and now almost infectious with disease.

It is the anti-septic which unlike all the other potions, creams, and tonics we have tried, actually delivers truth in word. You will no longer "just get enough" in spirit to make it through hearing, but not also being able to listen to, sermon after sermon, and accusation after accusation, that the female indeed was not created to be in the image of God and therefore in her inception, is rendered inferior and in right subjection to the completed wholeness of the male. But you will be empowered to think right thoughts and to soberly, in the absence of all male pride and arrogance, discern word in a manner giving glory to God only and not making Him into a respecter of persons and therefore also a liar.

Most importantly, with great delight, you will discover how to ask the right questions of your pastors and teachers - in bible class, among believers, and during other personal hours of study -- questions which without fail, will mandate the truth of word and prove man to be the liar.

Who I am

I am an African-American daughter of Christ from the Baptist tradition who like many, have been struggling with the traditional garden word and the bondage it readily creates in the lives of so many. After having endured what I thought would be the extent of my worst personal hardships, upon entering the Kingdom of God I was immediately shackled as both a woman and a wife and discovered that I was akin to not much better than the snake. I was advised that God would not speak to me but only to my husband and that in an effort to boost the male and to stop being the "man", I should quit a job which gave critical support to my family, and with two small daughters at home, just wait and see what God would do.

While as an obedient, yet uninformed Christian, I sought to submit in and to both marriage and male-dominated leadership (and no I did not quit my job) at my core I agonized in daily fits of bewilderment about the sanity of such a religious world and often even wondered aloud if God could possibly be so ridiculous.

And although it is with great passion that I love God and even then just wanted to be right within His Kingdom, I regrettably watched as many of my younger days turned into months, and months into years. Moreover, despite firm rooting in church, I felt diminished, certainly not stronger in spirit, and became but only stoic in such matters at best.

It was during my worst days when the Lord roused me from sleep early one morning with the simple directive to write about the garden. Truth be told, my pastor (at that time), disclosed to me that whatever is true in the garden is what is true in the very mind of God. I am sure at that moment he never thought I would actually ever receive from God what was His Answer even unto me. Well I did and now I am free.

I do have to say, nothing simply just came to me. This was only after years of submitting to a situation in which I should never have been. I have real emotional, spiritual, and mental scars and to this day I am, as a member, unable to return to an institutionalized church setting. After long contemplation and finally sitting down for the first time (of many) to examine and then write this word, I knew that if I could not be proven as an equal in human creation, according even within the word of God, that I would forever be lost to the church as an institution, and likely even ultimately lost to God. I utilized a King James Bible and The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible only -- and the Holy Spirit led.

It seems I had to live this word, and fully experience and identify with the pain it creates, to interpret the many layers of it's reality and to fully grasp the wonderment of the accurate biblical truth. I have literally grieved for this truth to be made known. My dream is to experience a house of God where truth and not tradition reigns, where hearts are truly mended and not torn apart; where the work of the enemy is with diligence identified and cast into outer realms and yet certainly not blindly cradled within.

Please, regardless of where you are as a Christian female at this moment, know that the fault is definitely not to be found in either the word or God but only as such meaning and interpretation is translated from word to the pew by the pulpit. And if you are one who has already abandoned God due to such issues, perhaps avoiding even coming to God - hang on, take time to reconsider and stay-put. There is a better answer in truth and it is on the way!

Why I Write

I write as I have been moved by God to do. I also write to bring greater meaning to what would otherwise be my own obscure experiences within the church of God. Perhaps other women will be made free, perhaps Christian men will be made free. The entire church is currently held captive by the erroneous interpretation of this word. While one, being female, is caused to suffer outside of the will of God, one, being male, is made into a perpetrator of such needless suffering, whether aware or not.

Yet ultimately it is both the plan and will of God with which we tamper. Anointed calls of God as made to countless women, both today and over what have been countless centuries throughout the ages, are and were rendered null and dead even at inception due to the retarded, dysfunctional, and stifled evil growth of the garden word.

What You Can Do Now

First, continue to check this blog for updates regarding the publication date of "The Real Skinny on Eve".

Secondly, pray and prepare for the full deliverance of this word by studying the word of the garden for yourself first. Find out how many names the man Adam actually had and seek to discern the true relevance of his bone in the creation of the female. What does it mean for a man, such as Adam, to "cleave" to a woman and then did Adam do so? Can God command "desire" and then would He do so? Finally, why did Eve receive a title from God which spoke of life even after the fall of the garden yet Adam did not?

These represent only a few of the life-altering revelations truly rooted in the garden word. What you will ultimately discover is that such things that "are" in the church of men, find no "likeness in kind" within what is the actual word of God.

I say Hallelujah and thank you Jesus, we are free!

*Your comments are both welcomed and encouraged. Simply click on the word "comments" below and type your comment in the box provided. Next, to keep it simple, choose "Anonymous" as your identity. (If you would like to include your name, simply include it at the end of your comment.) Next, complete the word verification by simply deciphering and typing the characters in the order in which you see them. Next, click "publish comment". Thank you!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great book . . . perhaps even ministry. These are the type of answers in God as a female that I have needed for a long time. Just been hanging on . . . can't wait to get the book!

Anonymous said...

I will continue to pray with you and your Ministry. I wish you showers of Blessings beyond measure or compare. I love you!

Anonymous said...

I agree that Adam was present and silent while Eve was being tempted by the serpent, but...

1) Adam and Eve were both righteous until original sin occurred. Eve sinned by eating the fruit, Adam sinned when he ate also. I don't see in scripture that Eve was more righteous than Adam before original sin.

2) When questioned by God, they both passed the buck. Adam blamed Eve, and as you point out, indirectly blamed God. "This woman, which you gave me..." Eve blames the serpent for tempted her. They both deny quilt when ask, so I think making a case for righteous confession is a stretch.

3) Eve was not punished?!? What the crap! Okay, maybe the "desire toward your husband" is not punishment. But what about "in sorrow you shall bear children." Pain in childbirth is what most women remember from the Eden story. Was Eve not punished with this? Each passed the buck, and God went down the line punishing each, the man, the woman, and the serpent.

Humankind, male and female, lived in perfect fellowship with God until sin ruined the relationship. We are all in the same boat, that being "none are righteous, no not one." The gospel is that Jesus is our righteousness. I think that's the message that all Christians need to be repeating more than any other. Paul says that in Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male or female.

truth in word said...

You wrote: “Adam and Eve were both righteous until original sin occurred. Eve sinned by eating the fruit, Adam sinned when he ate also. I don't see in scripture that Eve was more righteous than Adam before original sin.”

Consider 2:23, well before the fall in 3:6. That Adam denied the God desired name of the female as “Eve” (meaning “life-giver”) calling her simply “Woman” instead equated to rebellion before God – this was the first of Adam’s numerous sins.

Further, “Woman” is a name which even God refused to utter in 3:9 upon His own return into the garden. Note, in 3:20, immediately after the fall, God compelled a now punished Adam to rightly call her “Eve” and to acknowledge this virgin, childless but confessed female as “mother of all living.” This was a title pointing to the spiritual and not merely the physical. How do we know this? Because Adam respectively also received no like title yet even he would go on to physically father every single future child of Eve’s.

In doing this, by way of both name and title given to her by God even after the fall, God is acknowledging the righteousness demonstrated by Eve (which of course is a righteousness she walks in which is of God alone). It has never been my position that she, in and of herself, was righteous, but that she only continued walking in the righteousness of God even after the fall due to the garden confession in 3:13.

The stand in righteousness which Eve took is even symbolically reflected in her creation by God, especially as compared to that of a dusty Adam. It is more than reasonable to go into here, but please consider purchasing “The Real Skinny on Eve” for more regarding this. It is one of my favorite topics in literally demonstrating what the “dust” of Adam actually represents.

Yet another point for you to ponder is, who do you think “Woman” (as she was of course still called by a rebellious Adam) thought God was calling to in 3:9 given that due to the mind and actions taken by a lying and deceitful Adam, she only knew the man to be called “Man?” That’s right. Adam even denied his own name, a name given directly to him by God (2:19). In denying his name he was also seeking to deny who he really was according to the Foreknowledge of God. The name of Adam as defined in the Hebrew is, a hypocrite, a man of low-degree and one made to be embarrassed and ashamed.

Please contrast this to the also God-given name and title of the female of Eve (“life-giver/mother of all living”). What point was God making in doing such a thing? Might He be attempting to tell us something about the end works of this man versus that of the female?

The sum of this of course also directly speaks to the lack of relationship this man and female actually had in the garden. After crushing her identity in a show of jealous disdain and rebellion against the plan of God, and proving to possess a heart which would allow for her death, Adam didn’t even seek enough intimacy with her (or obediently even with God first) to even tell her his right name. Small wonder there were no babies. And what if Adam had elected to seek God after realizing the lack of righteous standing conveyed by his name? Would we have the garden story as we know it?

Further it is critical in proper discernment to both understand and apply the Hebrew behind what the difference of these terms and names actually are. With all due respect (as I greatly appreciate your comments and please respond again if you feel a need) your responses don’t reflect the research. I only say this to reiterate, that the male tradition of the church as an institution, does not properly seek to challenge Scripture itself (as Scripture must accurately interpret Scripture), in rightly dividing and correctly teaching the whole of this word. This is why you don’t already know, I used to be you.

Please consider purchasing “The Real Skinny on Eve” if you sincerely have an interest in understanding the true import of this word from God. We all are called to seek truth and not exalt men or tradition (even of the church) in our pursuit to know God.

You wrote: “When questioned by God, they both passed the buck. Adam blamed Eve, and as you point out, indirectly blamed God. "This woman, which you gave me..." Eve blames the serpent for tempted her. They both deny quilt when ask, so I think making a case for righteous confession is a stretch.”

Yes Adam directly faulted Eve and in so doing lodged accusation even in the face of God. But Eve spoke truth. She was tricked by the serpent. This is why a God of Foreknowledge honored her in both name and title to begin with (3:20). Both humans fell but Eve alone gave righteous confession even accepted by God. To think or say otherwise is to call God a liar and to make Him into the fool. Also, unlike Adam, a righteous Eve did not lodge accusation against an Adam (who even you say was also present) as only the enemy would lead us to accuse our brethren. Yet at that moment even she knew the truth. But at the time of the fall, only Adam and the serpent knew that the fruit could be touched but not only eaten. Given that this female was declared to be righteous even by God, we know the information Eve had came directly from a coveting, selfish and lying Adam even as she uttered it in 3:3.

It is enough that he lied but what does it also say about the heart of an Adam who would choose to remain silent given his direct knowledge from God at such a time as this? A doubting Adam suspected that death would follow but due to his own lack of faith in God he elected to subject the life of “Woman” to a pending death so that he might safely be able to determine whether or not he too could eat of the fruit and live.

You wrote: “Eve was not punished?!? What the crap! Okay, maybe the "desire toward your husband" is not punishment. But what about "in sorrow you shall bear children." Pain in childbirth is what most women remember from the Eden story. Was Eve not punished with this? Each passed the buck, and God went down the line punishing each, the man, the woman, and the serpent.”

Once again regarding what you say was the “punishment” of Eve, in order to discern the truth you first must understand the Hebrew. The first instance of “sorrow” in 3:16 means to “worry, “labor, toil and to be in pain or even angry.” Further, that God was going to multiply the conception of Eve only spoke to His original command in the garden. His desire was for children which before the fall did not occur. No change. Yet, after the fall, we have a very challenged Adam (although Adam was challenged all along) and Eve pertaining to their marital status. A complacent Adam gave no regard about the possible death of Eve. After the return of God to the garden in 3:9, she realized this. She also realized that Adam lied to her about his name. She also realized that Adam lied to her about the fruit. She also realized that Adam lied to her about her name. She also realized that Adam deceitfully withheld knowledge regarding her true spiritual standing in the garden as “mother of all living.”, that he sought to demote her in every way that he could instead. But you say Adam did not sin until the moment he ate of the fruit. I beg to differ.

However, hearkening back to your comment, given all of this, the last thing Eve desired to do was to be with Adam yet her heart was still for a God with a will for her to remain a wife to this man, even in his un-confessed, now punished and spiritually barren state. This was her true sorrow in this regard. If you have been married for ten minutes you will understand this even as it relates to our own everyday life experiences.

The second use of the word “sorrow” is slightly different in meaning. It is identical to the first use of sorrow but only as it applies to that which occurs within or affects an “earthen vessel.” Consider the now lost future of Eve which even she had nothing but time to consider herself. That she, as a proven righteous individual was before positioned as “mother of all living” in a world knowing no death. But now, every child, who should have been born eternal, would instead arrive spiritually stillborn with a future in the physical to eventually succumb to death.

These were her sorrows. The fallacy of the traditional teaching avoids asking the obvious, why would God curse the same individual who he yet also rewarded in both name and title? Something has to give and when we begin to exalt the mind of a Righteous God and not that of men or traditional teaching (particularly in its inherent hatred toward women), the landscape of this garden word is made most miraculous indeed.

I say that determining the truth of the garden is a righteous thing to do. For without the truth, can we even begin to comprehend what we are most assuredly forfeiting from God? Just look at what happened to Adam and Eve without the unadulterated truth. The world, in all of its’ greatness and magnificence of creation, could not itself continue to stand when an assault disguised in what appears as a simple lie by Adam, to not both touch and eat the fruit, resulted in callous deception, lack of righteous confession, and out-right rebellion before the very face of God as well.

For anyone who does not feel personally affected by the misinterpretation of this word, I say great as it is certainly not my desire to will evil into your lives as well. But we are supposed to care about the whole of the Body of Christ and not just that part which you happen to occupy. If it is happening to the least of us . . . remember that? Even more importantly, what will you say to God upon our own day of judgment if we instead only elected to accept doubt and suspicion about a word which fails to rightly align with the whole of Scripture? That upholding the Integrity and Righteousness of God in our teachings by and before men was just not that important? Do you see where this actually has us?

But let’s do away with exalting contradictions as if they were of God and discern and apply what the “meat’ of this word really is within our lives. Be free. Get “The Real Skinny on Eve” so that you can learn how to really rock this word! I personally wouldn’t change a thing about where the Lord has brought me. Peace and love.